Introduction to GBA Plus

Test your knowledge

Question 1 (Select the best answer.)

GBA Plus is:



Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) is an analytical tool to support the development of responsive and inclusive initiatives, including policies, programs, and other initiatives. GBA Plus is a process for understanding who is impacted by the issue being addressed by the initiative; identifying how the initiative could be tailored to meet diverse needs of the people most impacted; and anticipating and mitigating any barriers to accessing or benefitting from the initiative.

To review the definition of GBA Plus, choose What is Gender-based Analysis Plus? at the beginning of this module.

Question 2 (Select the best answer.)

When gathering information as part of the GBA Plus process, it is important to find:



Gathering information is the first step in assessing gender and/or diversity factors, and to determine whether your initiative will have a more significant impact on a particular group of women, men, or gender-diverse people or if unintended barriers exist.

Sources of data come from a variety of places, and part of checking assumptions involves going beyond the "usual" sources. Both quantitative and qualitative data should be gathered by sex and, where possible, other diversity factors to understand the issues which may be present for a particular initiative.

To review the steps of the GBA Plus process, select The GBA Plus process at the beginning of this module.

Question 3 (Select the best answer.)

A targeted approach:



A targeted approach means that the initiative focuses on one gender or group over another. Sometimes this approach is used to remedy a historical disadvantage.

To review information on the targeted option, choose Youth fitness case study in the menu.

Question 4 (Select the best answer.)

Parental leave is an example of a flexible approach because:



A flexible approach responds simultaneously to the needs of diverse population groups.

The evolution of maternity leave is an excellent example of a flexible approach because today birth and adoptive parents in Canada, regardless of marital status or sexual orientation, have access to parental leave.

To review information on the targeted option, choose Parental leave evolution in the left-side menu.