Introduction to GBA Plus


The GBA Plus framework consists of six key elements that collectively form the foundation for the successful integration of GBA Plus in your organization.

This figure shows that the six elements of the GBA Plus Framework are connected. Each of the elements is written in black letter in a blue box and they are connected by a blue circle. Starting at the top and going clockwise, the elements are: Responsibility centre, Needs-assessment, Policy statement, Training and tools, "Pilot" initiative, and Monitoring. In the middle of the circle in black lettering it states "GBA Plus Framework".

Case Study: GBA Plus framework in a public security organization

Case Study: GBA Plus framework in a public security organization

8 - Recap

The Rockford Police Department is well on its way to implementing a sustainable GBA Plus framework. 

To date, they have identified a Responsibility Centre, created a GBA Plus working group, and named a GBA Plus champion. The working group also completed an organizational needs-assessment, identifying several thematic areas requiring gender and diversity consideration.

To demonstrate their commitment to GBA Plus, they developed a policy statement that has been approved for intra-departmental distribution and inclusion in their strategic planning process.

To inform the development of training and tools, they have created a training workplan to target different segments of the workforce.

They have identified and carried out GBA Plus pilot initiative in the Material Management division, and have documented the results.

They have also developed a methodology for monitoring progress.

It is hoped that by applying GBA Plus to policies that go beyond recruitment campaigns, the Rockford Police Department’s workplace, policies and equipment will be more welcoming to diverse membership, and that the department will be better able to retain diverse candidates and better meet the needs of the community it serves.